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World Run I / ReportsGoto: 2005-03-18 2005-03-20 USA 2005-03-19:Distance today: 39.0 km (Accumulated: 19353.0 km) Country: USA 2005.03.19 39km, 3:56:55h. Excl. food, water, road-finding, toilet etc. stops. Total 19.312 km. Start: 9:25am. Finish: 13:47pm Time GMT - 8 hours +18c, rain and heavy wind at start. 15c, strong rain and same wind at finish. Entering Oregon! "Coastline: The entire 400mile coastline belongs to the public." ! That sounds like a pleasant change from "Keep Out"- California :-) Much to my surprise California was mainly an unpleasant place to run compared with the 18 000km and 11 countries run (!!). Other data of the Oregon state: Population: 3.5 million. Area: 97 thousand square miles. The name, Oregon, means river of the West (in Indian); understandingly as it has more than 112000 miles of rivers and streams. (And horrific days with all day rain like today ;-) |
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