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World Run I / ReportsGoto: 2005-01-18 2005-01-20 Australia 2005-01-19:Distance today: 32.0 km (Accumulated: 17010.0 km) Country: Australia 2005.01.19.B (Crew: P. Gray all stage) 32km, 3:13:39h. Excl. food, water, road-finding, toilet etc. stops. Total 16.969km. Start: 18:20pm. / 15:50 WAT. Finish: 21:58pm. / 19:28 WAT. Time GMT + 10:30 hours (NB: South Australian Time!) +35c, clear & light wind at start. 17c, sunset & med. wind at finish. Hills ! Almost right after the Balladonia roadhouse the first hills in a month begin. I had nearly forgot how good it is to have a point ahead to rest your eyes on :-) .. Rare for me to welcome hills, I got to say, being a very modest hill-runner as you almost got to be, having grown up in a country with a "high point" of about 146 metres ;-) 62km in total for the day. PS: The reports from the Nullabor desert are a bit delayed and kept shorter than usual due to lack of phone and internet connections Goto: 2005-01-18 2005-01-20 Australia 2005-01-19:Distance today: 30.0 km (Accumulated: 17010.0 km) Country: Australia 2005.01.19.A. (Crew: P. Gray all stage) 30km, 3:00:51h. Excl. food, water, road-finding, toilet etc. stops. Total 16.937km. Start: 07:12am. / 4:42 WAT. Finish: 10:44am./ 8:14 WAT. Time GMT + 10:30 hours (NB: South Australian Time!) +9c, sunset & light wind at start. 21c, half overcast & med. wind at finish. - 30km done, 30km to do in the evening. Not much more to say about that ;-) PS: The reports from the Nullabor desert are a bit delayed and kept shorter than usual due to lack of phone and internet connections |
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