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World Run I / ReportsGoto: 2004-10-15 2004-10-17 Japan 2004-10-16:Distance today: 48.0 km (Accumulated: 12941.0 km) Country: Japan Route Report: on Route 8, Fukui city>. NB: the km-sign don?t seem to be correct. Between 369 & 388 they skip many km. 48km, 4:39:08h (J.). Excl. food, water, toilet etc. stops. Total 12900km. (J.). Start 10:04am (all). Finish 15:35pm (J.). Time GMT + 8 hours. +18c, clear sky and light wind at start. 21c and same at finish. - The fun continues! The day began unusually easy as I found a post office within 20 minutes of search. AND: I received friendly help!! :-) The manager/owner himself, mr. Kitano of the Komatsu Post Office asked in English where I came from and what my purpose was. I told him the story of the run and he promptly asked if I had enough to eat and drink. Despite the answer I was quickly showered with food & cans of drink. Further he rushed into the post office, fetched a digital camera and got some photos of the baby jogger, the runner and Komatsu Post Office :-) While he developed the photos he found a collection of stamps, airmail envelopes etc, etc. and presented me with it as his personal gifts. Not only was it welcome gifts; it was a very calming thing to see that there is indeed friendship to be found here! And I was sent off with a warm handshake :-) - But then it was back to the road.. and back to Japan as I have learned to know it. After 45km I began to look for a hotel. Now; even in big cities there isn?t many hotels advertised, at least not in English ;-) The first one I entered I was quickly rushed out of by an elderly woman. Not exactly "the service spirit" ;-) "No; NO!? Luckily I found another hotel with vacant rooms not too far from there. Atlas; it was one of the "automat-hotels" (see the 14-10 report). I asked the staff if I could first walk to the nearby store to buy dinner before entering the room - knowing by experience that last time the door was securely locked once inside the room. And not to be unlocked except by feeding the automat "in quantum sati?! Well; "asked the staff" is of course a big word to use. I tried some hand language and drawings on paper. More staff gathered and about 1 hour went by. Finally I left the baby jogger in their custody and went for the shop - and a hugely delayed finish documentation photo (!) Upon return, I found out that this automat-hotel didn?t have the "outside lock" system. Instead the staff insisted that I left them with 20 000 yen - about 200 $ in deposit. Receipt - "Yes, YES!" - meaning no receipt. ! In the morning the door to the reception was locked. Voices were heard behind it as I knocked; but opened: no! Still after about 10 minutes of knocking the door was finally opened. Long explanations; yes, "check out". We consulted the automat. One amount there; another - considerably higher - charged by the staff. Pay the automat: "No. No!" Price: about 180 $ I like to be polite, but in 10 countries run so far, I have not experienced anything that comes near this. I am happy to say that in most countries there is a habit of trying to help strangers. From the books I know that in Japan respect is given to the elders and those who has risen through ranks. I expected that is was perhaps a bit of an anachronism, but the more time I spend here, there more it seems to be quite true. And being a stranger, not looking like the uniform mass, dress inappropriately in sports wear, not speaking the language, being young (ok; relatively young ;-) it gives the definitely feeling of being in the lowest point of regard. I take pride to say that we don?t usually meet strangers that way where I come from ! :-) - And I salute persons like mr. Kitano. You should be a source of pride for your country :-) It is easy to help a person who has much status and is high in rank; but it is so much more an unselfish effort to help the one who truly needs it! |
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