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World Run I / ReportsGoto: 2004-04-01 2004-04-03 Russia 2004-04-02:Distance today: 45.0 km (Accumulated: 4291.0 km) Country: Russia Route Report: Zvenigovo - Zilenigolsk. 45km., 5:28h. -7C and light snow all day; winter is indeed back. After yesterdays long stage Alexander unfortunately had a return of his injury. This time even more severe than last time. it was a little help that I had a strong day (pulse 62 beat/minute at 5:48min/km. pace). Katzuka stayed loyally at his side all stage, while I forward and streatched or ran back. Beeing a ca. 2:30h marathon runner, a pace much above 6min/km. will only mean that I risk to add another injury to the team. So we are in luck to have Katzuka with us in Russia. At evening we had an interesting visit to the Raifa Monesterry; especially interesting as Easter is near. And by the way; we have now entered the Tartastan Republic - the starting point of our trainingcamp last year. Tomorrow we look MUCH forward to meet our friends Leonid, Zakadad, Rostem, Ramil and lldar, Pasha, Victor and Vitaly!! |
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