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World Run I / ReportsGoto: 2004-03-30 2004-04-01 Russia 2004-03-31:Distance today: 48.0 km (Accumulated: 4163.0 km) Country: Russia Route Report: Junga - Cheboksary. 48km., 4:37h. Today suddenly heavy snow; the Russian winter isn't giving way to summer without a fight! But the main eventfor us was something else: About midways on the stage we met a group of school children with flags and a barrel of beer! We have since since yesterday been running in the small Russian republic "Chuvash" (about 1.1mill.) where travelling friends are met not with "klep sol" - bread with salt - but beer. During the 10 minute roadside meeting in pouring snow, we quickly got a feeling of their hospitality. As the mood went from determined endurence to broad smiles and exhange of greetings , I was even asked to toast them in my own language - for the first time since London. How it sounded strange(!!). After a cheerfull farewell we soon was to meet another challenge than just cold and slippery roads. The tasty Chuvachian beer was followed by a long stretch of torn tarmac, and the combination of these two made our allready slightly trembling runningstyle become somewhat of a balletact of odd jumps and flapping of arms. As much as I, - and we, stress that this is first and last a run - a race - a sportsevent. It's at times difficult not to feel as if we are running into a world of challenges inspired by the fairytales of the Grimm brothers (guess which five days...), H.C.Andersen and C.S.Lewis. In case you are in doubt: we love the challenges of Chuvash! PS: Word is out that a bridge on our route for tomorrow has disappeared due to heavy rainand snow. Instead we head for the city Mari El (76km. instead of 40km.) and from there towards Kazan where we will be back on the main road. |
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