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World Run I / Reports

Goto: 12005-09-21 12005-09-23 1USA

2005-09-22: Pictures9
Distance today: 25.0 km (Accumulated: 25316.0 km)
Country: USA

2005.09.22. -
. Pennsylvania.

25km, 2:21:51h. Excl. food, water, road-finding, toilet etc. stops
Total 25.275km

Start: 12:46am.
Finish: 15:56pm.
Time GMT - 6 hours

+25c, almost clear and light wind at start.
29c and same at finish.

Very tired today!
It has been long since I have been this exhausted. The stage wasn?t very
long but I guess I ran a few miles more than I had in the legs. And by now
it?s a delicate balance to get in some miles and still keep recovering to
the next stage.

The finish town, Gettysburg, is probably known by many as the place of
some of the largest and most decisive battles of the American civil war
and the areas nearby also was the scene of some bold outflanking attempts
by general Lee and Stonewall Jackson of the confederal (South) army which
in the end resulted in a victory to Lincoln and the union (North) army.

NB: At present I have a 1 day delay on the schedule below and the arrival
in Manhattan NYC probably will be around the 7. October

20/9 Gettysburg

21/9 Rest day

22/9 Abbotstown

23/9 York

24/9 Lancaster

- All the above on Highway 30.

25/9 New Holland

26/9 Reading

27/9 Boyertown

28/9 Allentown

29/9 Easton

30/9 Washington

01/10 Long Valley

02/10 Morristown

03/10 Irvington

04/10 New Jersey City

05/10 East Manhattan, New York City.



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