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World Run I / ReportsGoto: 2005-07-19 2005-07-21 USA 2005-07-20:Distance today: 38.0 km (Accumulated: 23605.0 km) Country: USA 2005.07.20. 38km, 4:19:45h. (Time is incl. 5km wrong way, km is right way only). Excl. food, water, road-finding, toilet etc. stops Total 23564km. Start: 06:40am. Finish: 13:33pm. Time GMT - 7 hours +22c, grey overcast and no wind at start. 30c, half overcast and light wind at finish. One of those stages where I was exhausted from start to finish. It didn?t help much, that I managed to run a wrong direction the first 5km. So: ..Back to start again! Still I enjoyed the company of my crew, Debbie, and had a good time despite that the mind wasn?t into the running today. At the finish we were accommodated as guest of the city, Alma, and given a large apartment to stay in with a great view to the Mississippi River, floating lazy beneath the windows |
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