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World Run I / ReportsGoto: 2004-06-27 2004-06-29 Russia 2004-06-28:Distance today: 0.0 km (Accumulated: 7722.0 km) Country: Russia Route Report: - Well; then it became my (J.) turn to have problems. An all-night stomach infection (toilet visits of all types allmost non stop) had by this morning taken most water & energy, without possibilities to refill anything. As I by starttime had some difficulties focusing and standing up, it was unfortunately obvious that even getting to the start place was "a No-No" :-((( -So I appologise to all !! We have thus had to let go of the 1 day we had gained by adding distance the last week. Well; we'll just have to keep fighting to catch those days ! Fortunately I've just waken up (30 min. ago) and consciouness seems to be working now :-) For once during the last 12 hours 'stomach party' what goes down stays there for more than a few minutes. So there should be possibilities to start tomorrow, once the water, minerals & energy lost has been replaced :-) PS: Naturally all sensible 'stomach products' were carefully tried but none of the standard pharmacy stayed down. After a small loss of consciouness this method was put aside - and an american brown softdrink was tried... ;-) - surprise: after 2 h. it stayes down as the only thing tried !! |
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