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World Run I / ReportsGoto: 2004-06-24 2004-06-26 Russia 2004-06-25:Distance today: 57.0 km (Accumulated: 7613.0 km) Country: Russia Route Report: Archinsk 57km, 5:17:31 h (J.). Excl. food, water, toilet etc. stop. Total 7.572km. (J. and A.) Start 8:29am (all). Finish 14:10pm (J.), 16:43 (A.), 20:00 (K.). +16c, light wind and gray overcast at start. +15c and heavy rain last 3 hours. Team discussions over problems of big city roadfinding. Would be surpised if there was'nt;-) We are now working on a standardmodel for city running because Kazuka and I are still 'cyrillic analfabets' and have so far more or less just been lucky at finding way on our 3 big city stages. As far as the running goes the geologi are now: red top soil; long rolling hills with green valleys. Dense darkgreen forrest on the big hillsides. We learn that this region is rich on coal and a number of valuable minerals. Its escavated from huge open mines and at times whole mountain/hill sides are peeled off. At dinner - as guests of Kozula city - our host overheard that I during the run prefer limonade for tea. I expected a correction as tea allmost is a 'must' here in Russia as in the UK. Instead, 2 min. later, there was a packet with 12 liter limonade at my table, presented by the local sportcommitty. I won't forget :-)) ! For Kazuka, which finished after dinner, there was several packets of food and hot soup. Its difficult not to like the Russians :-) |
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