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World Run I / ReportsGoto: 2004-03-14 2004-03-16 Russia 2004-03-15:Distance today: 40.0 km (Accumulated: 3482.0 km) Country: Russia Route Report: Zelenograd - Moscow. 40 km., 3:51h. Moscow!! Finally we arrived at Kreml, City Museum entrance - at the symbolic 0km mark of Russia. For 3 and a half hour / 36 km we ran through what looked like the city centre; a big city indeed. Without police escort I wonder how we could have made our way through the tidewaves of 5-lane traffic... Also we had good holp from the Moscow ultrarunners wh run with us today; Spasiba!! At the finish line we were recieved by our Good Friend Edourdo, the Moscow mayor, russian traditional dancers, the national TV station, "klep sol" and flowers. And to my positive surprice: a representative from the danish embassy :-) Yesterday was the presidental election in Russia. Putin was reelected with about 68% of the votes and the total participation was ca. 61%. Beeing political scientist by education I noticed the surprising lack of campaign propaganda. There is at least 2 reasons: the last day before the election political agitation is prohibited and secondly Putin was from the start in an unrivalled lead, giving little need for campaigning. |
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