Copenhagen 6-day Challenge, 2003

Daily Comleted distances:

Click here. Will be updagted every night during the race

Race info':

Start on sunday the 3/8, 14:00.
Finish on saturday the 9/8, 14:00.

Course map Course:

A 1,5km measured loop in "Fælledparken" - the main recreational Park of Central Copenhagen. The route is situated right next to the National Stadium, and consists of approx. 80% firm gravel & footpaths and 20% tarmac. The route is flat and traffic-free, but bicycles is allowed.

Lap Counting
The 6-day race event will be using electronic chip-based lapcounting with manual back-up. The course will be open from 8:00 to 24:00 except from the start- & finish day (14:00).

There will be a quick check-in procedure each time a runner wish to enter the course for a new set of laps after a break. This is to update the information-board in order to keep other competitors & spectators informed. A special race-id card will be handed to all participants and this will be displayed on eithter the "active" or the "rest" information board.

* The field is limited to 15 ultrarunners.
* A minimum distance of 42km pr. day is required to stay in the race.
* A minimum presense 'on course' is expected to be 10 hours pr. day.

Race Fee:
The 6-day race has no entry fee ! This applies for qualified runners signed up before the 1st. of July and untill 15 qualified runners are entered. We urge runners to bring their own food and special drinks as the sponsored 'energy foods' in the race will be limited.

Race Service:
The organizers provides lap counting & computing of daily and total distance. There will be water avaliable and some basic foods. The daily leader recieves a 'leader-singlet' wich indicates the leader of total distance. After the finish there will be a relaxed awards ceremony and delevery of certificates. On a daily basis there will be a competetion to be the first runner to reach 42km's starting from 08:00 o'clock. Health staff will be nearby during the days of the event.

To our best ability we'll try to accomodate foreign runners free of charge during the event.

Results: - will be avaliable each day at 24:00 GMT on this website.

We invite all qualified runners to join the challenge :-)

Race organizers: Charlotte & Kasper Vibe-Leonhardt, Jesper Kenn Olsen. Denmark. Per Lind (IAU), Norway.

Contact & sign-up:


Pictures of the track: